Friday, July 17, 2009

Taiwan dating: Top 10 list of things to say and do to charm a Taiwanese girl

John’s list of Top Ten Ways to be Romantic, Charm the Pants off a Taiwanese Girl and Get Her in the Mood:
1. Get here to take you to where she lived when she was young.
2. Get her to show you all her old schools.
3. Tell her repeatedly you bet she is a good daughter/friend/mother.
4. Ask to see any awards she received as a student.
5. Tell her you are sure she works extremely hard in school/for her company.
6. Ask her to show you where her company is.
7. Tell her she will make it to America to study one day – and she will thrive there.
8. Ask to see pictures of her family. When she says she isn’t carrying any, insist she brings some next time.
9. Show her pictures of yours, especially anything of child age that will get her broody.
10. Take them for coffee or to a bookshop, even better coffee in a bookshop.
Finally with her swooning and dreamy from having her Taiwanese buttons pressed, he would say: “You know you don’t really behave like a Taiwanese person” and she would get excited and ask “Why not?” and he would reply, “The things you like to do, I suppose. An attitude. You are more open and unpredictable. I don’t know.”
“John knew it was different, but he was used to it now. He didn’t mind being the teacher; it was kind of old-fashioned and sweet, igniting those me man, you woman instincts which were not exactly buried very deep anyway. And, most importantly, it kept his alcohol consumption down.
He stopped his scooter by the side of the road to pick up Phoebe. "So what would you like to do?"
"Hmm, no plan."
"Ok. Maybe, you can show me where you lived when you were young?"
Really...But it is in Taipei County. Quite far,” answered Phoebe.
"I am fine," said John.
She put on the helmet and got on the back of his scooter. “Maybe, we can also pass by my old elementary school. It is on the way.”
“I would love to. Let’s get going, it should be a long day…”


Anonymous said...

I like Number 10: take her for a coffee, preferably in a bookstore. Presumably, the ideal situation would be to pick up a girl in a bookstore and then invite her for a coffee in the bookstore, thus speeding up the process.

tw girl said...

i like 1. Get here to take you to where she lived when she was young.

helps you to go back down to the memory lane :)

taiwan girls said...

this is really a nice article,i like it very much,nice work keep it up.thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I moved to Taiwan about six months ago and have been dating a local Taiwanese guy for a little over two months now. I have read a few other posts on this forum about foreign woman/Taiwanese man dating relationships, but I haven't quite seen any advice or experiences about basic cultural differences. It seems that in my boyfriend and my dating relationship lately we have been having quite a few "discussions" about our differences in thinking, and they seem to be cultural things and not personality differences. For example, in a Taiwanese dating relationship, my boyfriend tells me, the couple spends every possible minute of their free time together. Also in Taiwanese relationships, the girl doesn't show her emotions or show anger when she's upset, and she never yells.

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Anonymous said...

I moved to Taiwan about six months ago and have been dating a local Taiwanese guy for a little over two months now. I have read a few other posts on this forum about foreign woman/Taiwanese man dating relationships, but I haven't quite seen any advice or experiences about basic cultural differences. It seems that in my boyfriend and my dating relationship lately we have been having quite a few "discussions" about our differences in thinking, and they seem to be cultural things and not personality differences. For example, in a Taiwanese dating relationship, my boyfriend tells me, the couple spends every possible minute of their free time together. Also in Taiwanese relationships, the girl doesn't show her emotions or show anger when she's upset, and she never yells.

taiwan girls, taiwan girl, taiwan boy, taiwan men, taiwanese girl, taiwanese girls, taiwanese men, taiwanese man, taiwan ladies, taiwanese ladies

Dan Chapman said...

I would say beware of one very important thing: Taiwanese like to play up their cultural stereotypes as much as we do. When you first arrive Taiwanese like to tell you what Taiwanese culture is based on a stereotype not the reality. It is far from the truth that a couple has to spend all their time together. He is telling you that in order to get his own way. Probably with regard to the emotions it has some truth: they indulge in passive aggressive actions.
Best advice: don't believe what your boyfriend says.

numan said...

i like the number 1.get here to take you to where she lived when she was young.

MerryBathCelestial said...

I truly enjoyed this "list"
Thank you for posting! Happy 2011!!!!

Free at last said...

Thank you for posting so honestly.I find myself in Taiwan now,working here,a single attractive woman of 50,and see the Western men walking in the streets every day. I met an amazing lady-friend who has become my best friend,we are so much alike. I am just reporting here my horror and disgust and shock about the treatment the women in Taiwan receive from foreign men.It sure is a psycopaths heaven here. (people born with no feelings/empathy or sympathy)What distinguishes all of these people from the rest of us is an utterly empty hole in the psyche, where there should be the most evolved of all humanizing functions. [Martha Stout, Ph.D., The Sociopath Next Door] (highly recommended)
One very interesting aspect of the psychopath is his "hidden life" that is sometimes not too well hidden. It seems that the psychopath has a regular need to take a "vacation into filth and degradation" the same way normal people may take a vacation to a resort where they enjoy beautiful surroundings and culture. To get a full feeling for this strange "need" of the psychopath - a need that seems to be evidence that "acting human" is very stressful to the psychopath - read more of The Mask of Sanity, chapters 25 and 26.

Also, read Cleckley's speculations on what was "really wrong" with these people. He comes very close to suggesting that they are human in every respect - but that they lack a soul. This lack of "soul quality" makes them very efficient "machines." They can be brilliant, write scholarly works, imitate the words of emotion, but over time, it becomes clear that their words do not match their actions. They are the type of person who can claim that they are devastated by grief who then attend a party "to forget." The problem is: they really DO forget.

Being very efficient machines, like a computer, they are able to execute very complex routines designed to elicit from others support for what they want. In this way, many psychopaths are able to reach very high positions in life. It is only over time that their associates become aware of the fact that their climb up the ladder of success is predicated on violating the rights of others."Even when they are indifferent to the rights of their associates, they are often able to inspire feelings of trust and confidence."

The psychopath recognizes no flaw in his psyche, no need for change.